A video Streaming App with Python and Opencv

A video Streaming App with Python and Opencv


4 min read


Face detection and blurring are two distinct computer vision tasks often used together for privacy protection and image/video manipulation.

In this article, we will explore a mini-project that involves implementing real-time face detection and blurring using Python and OpenCV. We will leverage the power of OpenCV’s Haar Cascade classifier and Gaussian blur to achieve our objective

Certainly, let’s delve into the methodology of combining face detection and blurring:

1. Face Detection Methodology:

  • Input Image/Video Frame: The process begins with an input image or video frame containing one or more individuals.

  • Pre-processing (Optional): In some cases, pre-processing of the image may be performed to enhance the quality or reduce noise. Common pre-processing steps include resizing, color normalization, and noise reduction.

  • Face Detection: The primary goal is to locate the positions of human faces within the image or frame. This is achieved through one of the following methods:

    • Haar Cascade Classifiers: These classifiers use a trained model to detect faces by analyzing patterns of pixel intensity. Multiple stages of classifiers are used, which work progressively to narrow down potential face regions.
  • Face Detection Output: The output of the face detection step provides the coordinates (x, y) and dimensions (width, height) of bounding boxes that enclose detected faces.

2. Face Blurring Methodology:

  • Input Image/Video Frame: This step takes the same input image or video frame as the face detection phase.

  • Face Detection Output: The coordinates and dimensions of detected faces are obtained from the face detection step.

  • Face Region Extraction: Using the coordinates and dimensions of the bounding boxes from the face detection output, the corresponding regions of the image containing the faces are extracted.

  • Blurring Algorithm: Depending on the chosen blurring method, such as Gaussian blur, pixelation, or advanced techniques like GAN-based blurring, a specific blurring algorithm is applied to the extracted face regions.

  • Blurring Output: The result of this step is the face region with blurred facial features while retaining the surrounding context.

3. Combining Face Detection and Blurring:

  • Overlay Blurred Face: The blurred face regions are overlaid onto the original image or video frame at the same coordinates as detected by the face detection algorithm.

  • Rest of the Image/Frame: The remainder of the image or frame, outside the detected face regions, remains unaltered.

  • Output: The final output is an image or video frame where only the detected faces are blurred, and the rest of the content remains clear and unobstructed.

Code Implementation

# Code to blur the detected face

import cv2

# Load the pre-trained face detection Haar Cascade classifier
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cv2.data.haarcascades + "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml")

# Open the webcam
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:
    ret, frame = cap.read()

    if not ret:

    # Convert frame to grayscale for face detection
    gray_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # Detect faces in the frame
    faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_frame, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5, minSize=(30, 30))

    for (x, y, w, h) in faces:
        # Extract the region of interest (ROI) for the face
        face_roi = frame[y:y+h, x:x+w]

        # Apply Gaussian blur to the face ROI
        blurred_face = cv2.GaussianBlur(face_roi, (99, 99), 20)

        # Place the blurred face back into the original frame
        frame[y:y+h, x:x+w] = blurred_face

    # Display the result
    cv2.imshow('Blurred Faces', frame)

    # Exit the loop when the ENTER key is pressed
    if cv2.waitKey(1) == 13:

# Release the video capture and close the window


Results and Discussion

The real-time face detection and blurring project produced remarkable results. As faces were detected in the video stream, they were immediately blurred, preserving the privacy of the individuals while maintaining the overall context of the scene. The Haar Cascade classifier, though not the most sophisticated face detection method, showed commendable accuracy in detecting frontal faces.

Reference picture

However, we should note that the strength of the Gaussian blur can be adjusted based on the desired level of anonymization. A stronger blur may lead to a reduction in facial features and make faces less distinguishable, while a milder blur may retain some facial details.


In conclusion, the real-time face detection and blurring provided valuable insights into computer vision techniques using Python and OpenCV. The ability to detect faces in real-time video streams and apply Gaussian blur to anonymize faces showcases the practicality of computer vision in privacy preservation and related applications. By implementing this mini-project, we gained hands-on experience with the Haar Cascade classifier and Gaussian blur, which are essential tools in the field of computer vision.