Cloud Cost Monitoring using Komiser - part 2

Cloud Cost Monitoring using Komiser - part 2


4 min read

In our last practical we encountered some issues so for that, so we changed the .json file

IAM user -> Users (Add users) -> Attach policies directly

Then click on Create policy, This is where we can create own custom permissions

we created .json file in this way πŸ‘‡

so this issue is resolved, Next issue is we won't be able to ssh into our ec2 instance, our ec2 instance was created inside our iam_user and we're not able to ssh

Last time the mistake made was that we did not associate our security rule with our instance. so we're creating security-group under the default vpc because we specified the default vpc-id

Also, we restructured everything accordingly πŸ‘‡

what more was that when our iam user is created in the output you will see three things which will be outputted

The last thing is the iam_password which is outputted which we use to login our console

Now we commented file completely , do terraform init and terraform plan

also terraform apply --auto-approve, auto-approve is used so that it doesn't ask for the prompt

we kept secret as sensitive πŸ‘†, Now we will verify whether the iam_role has been created or not

Now login to the iam role by giving username as komiser-aws-user and password as below

Now it's time to configure the access key and secret key for the komiser-aws-user

we even changed the profile name from manogna to komiser-aws-user

Now it's time to create an ec2-instance so uncomment everything in the file and do terraform plan

depends-on means before a particular resource is created what does it depend on, for example before the ec2_instance has been created the sg should be created, so simply our ec2_instance depends on the creation of the sg

once the IP-address is created we have to associate it πŸ‘‡

Now do the terraform-plan and then terraform apply --auto-approve, and ofcourse we got some errors

so we removed this from the file πŸ‘‡and some other changes

resource "aws_internet_gateway" "gw"{
  vpc_id = "vpc-0ca30903d8725db1c"

do terraform plan and terraform apply --auto-approve

we got some errors, so we need to do some changes πŸ‘‡

and also we changed the name of sg so Terraform can create other

resource "aws_security_group" "allow_tls_1" {
  name        = "allow_tls_1"
  description = "Allow TLS inbound traffic"
  vpc_id      = "vpc-0ca30903d8725db1c"  # default

and delete this πŸ‘‡

data "aws_security_group" "sg_group" {
  id = "sg-046d319635a5d3eae"

and also changed this πŸ‘‡

 vpc_security_group_ids = [

Now again do terraform apply --auto-approve and finally sg has been created

πŸ“ Note: If we want to update it we can use terraform refresh

Now let's do the ssh

ssh -i ~/.shh/komiser-aws ubuntu@

It finally worked, for our initial Ec2 configuration script what we want is we want that in our instance we run sudo apt-update and docker installed


Create a new file

πŸ“Reference πŸ‘†

Also add this to the πŸ‘‡

do terraform-plan and then terraform apply --auto-approve and now let's ssh using ssh -i ~/.shh/komiser-aws ubuntu@

let's check whether the docker is installed or not

so we do sudo apt update manually and then

sudo apt install -y docker
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

Now this πŸ‘† throws an error

May be because we're using ubuntu so let's change the script


change file name into install.tpl and then terraform apply --auto-approve and terraform init -upgrade

Well more errors so we can tackle this next time and if your still trying your hands-on or reading this blog kudos folks

Now let's destroy some resources

terraform desroy -target=aws_eip_association.eip_association

terraform desroy -target=aws_instance.komiser_instance -target=aws_eip.komiser_instance_ip

let's continue in the next part πŸ‘‹


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